Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hot Blue Alien in Avatar

Are you kidding me? She's 12 feet tall, alien, and blue.

I am totally going to go see Avater.

Company of Thieves

Hey everybody, Harry Palmer here. Check out this great video by the new hot group Company of Thieves.

That video is awesome. When Genevieve dresses up like that science nerd it makes me want to grab her and hug her until my left arm tingles and gets even more numb.

Company of Thieves am on tour now, so go see them and tell them that Harry sent you!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vampire Diaries coming to CW! I can't wait!

Coming this fall to a TV set near you!

I can't wait and I know it'll be done right because I know CW knows how to handle a show about vampires (Anyone remember Buffy? Angel?).

I can't wait to sink my teeth into this show, no pun intended.

Monday, July 27, 2009


What the heck was this movie about?

I could not, for the life of me tell you what’s going on in Moon. The Sam Rockwell the Astronaut is on the moon completing his mission and then some weird stuff goes down and I don’t want to ruin it all for you, but it’s just to weird for me to describe anyways.

Well, I guess it’s kind of cool. They’re trying to make you think or something and it’s interesting in some places. But for a good sci fi movie, I’d stick with Terminator Salvation.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Clash of the Titans

Harry Palmer here and I’ve got a question for all of you. Raise your hand if you loved Clash of the Titans.

All of you, of course.

Clash of the Titans was awesome, it had some crazy good action with handsome hunk Harry Hamlin playing Persius and cutting a swath of destruction through Medusa, the Kraken, and any other evil monster that’s in his way.

Sure maybe the effects were a little herky jerky and wouldn’t stand up to some of the CGI powerhouses of today like Star Wars Phantom Menace or all of the Matrixes, but they rocked for 1981 and still have a certain charm today.

Please Hollywood, if you’re listening. It’s time to remake Clash of the Titans!